Playing it old or playing it young? Going all of the way back to high school I’ve acted old for my age. Call me an “old soul” or whatever, but there was a joke that I was 15 going on 45. I’m not sure what specifically created that perception, but I felt it was very
There’s been a whole bunch of internet commentary about this speech. I would summarize it as follows: “MEAN English Teacher...
Starbucks Rewards is Brilliant Within the last several years Starbucks rolled out a loyalty program. It is a brilliant program. I’m not sure how much others are reading the details, but Starbucks loyalty program stands out for its general lack of transparency on earnings. It’s important to note at this point that
Is It Like Shark Tank? Since I started my company back in January, people have been asking me about what it’s like to raise capital. The questions are very different depending on whom is doing the asking. My higher tech friends have some really specific questions: “Did you meet with Sequoia?” “How is Sand
Managing Up and Managing Down I just had a great lunch with some of the folks I used to manage. It’s always really enjoyable to catch-up with people you like once you’ve left the social structure of being their manager–you have a new capability to talk to them more casually, be more
Fundraising May Be Hazardous to Your Health It has been my intention not to talk about fundraising for my new company, Wallaby Financial []. It seems like poor form to get into the details publicly. But an incident today seemed to beg for a write-up. I have been going around asking people for moneyspeaking
Why is Popular Bad? Look at how popular those hats are! Awesome. With the recent purchase of Instagram [] and its expansion to Android, it seems that it is now suddenly less cool [] . I think that's because it's popular. I mean there
The Wallaby Card This is what I've been working on 24x7 for the last few months. Sign-up for the beta list today. We'll help you have a thinner wallet and maximize all of your credit card rewards. [].
I Used To Write A Newspaper Column Not that I am old or anything, but I used to write a monthly column in the newspaper. Ah yes, the illustrious Los Alamos Monitor [] . It's kind of hard to imagine. I mean it was the late 1990s, so the web did exist, but
Obligatory Why I Left My Job to Start a Blog Post OK. So, I didn't quit my job just to start a blog. I quit to start a company. To pursue an idea. To pursue my recurring dream to be an entrepreneur. I think a lot of people thought (think) I was (am) crazy to have done it. This
Websites and Vanity I started making websites in 1995. There was a debate about Mosaic vs. Netscape and we knew how to use gopher. A lot has changed since then and I am not the website deisgner/engineer I once was. I mean, I think I'm a lot better now, but
You're Good at Plumbing, Not Marketing I know there's starting to be a theme of negativity here about our Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs). Don't get me wrong, small businesses are great. They are more fun in general to work in, make a meaningful difference in people's lives and are