Assorted Spoonerisms

- Mal-Wart
- Yoble Nuke of Dork
- Weel Stool
- Ty Flying
- Show Snowers
- Tapter Chest
- Bead a Rook
- Bamburger Huns
- Chess & Geck
- Tarp as a Shack
- Far and Teather
- Better Nate Than Lever
- Tillhoppers
- Characino Merries
- Chork Pops
- I received a Blushing Crow
- Filey Smace
- Polor Crinter
- Shilk Make
- The Rassgroots
- Oxford Advanced Dearner's Lictionary of Englent Currish
- Kurger Bing
- Shake a Tower
- Shilliam Wakespeare
- Wicrosoft Mord
- Billed Greef
- Bamhurger
- Columbia Broadcorping Castration
(NOTE: an announcer apparently said this in the early days of live radio.) - Mood Farket
- Stap Gop
- Most Navored Fation
- Mood Fart
- Click Dark
- Nopping Chuts
- SebWite
- Segetable Voup
- Nuck Chorris
- Theep in Dot
- Learn on the Tight
- Float Hopes
- She made me ream seal
- Ret Wain
- Noodle Frontity
- Boof Needle
- Barf Beeley
- Bust Duster
- Jew Nersey
- Wouble with my Tords (say: turds)
- scratch backing
- salt & sheker papers
- you're getting your merds wixed
- Wird Batching
- Mone Phart
- All Farts
- Stuffing Stockers
- Yozen Frogurt
- Munken Dronkey
- "We compleed agreetly about most things"
(Hat Shaped Hat, Ani DiFranco) - War Cash
- runny babbit
- bred and beakfast
- grillage ville
- "it ain't over 'til the fat sady lings"
- Copulation du Pape
(In French Pape means Pope. This was supposed to be about South African population.) - Kain Piller
- Bets and Pikes
(as in "stay off the grass") - creaming skids
- busty din
- brilly cheeze
- pist matches
- mood fart
- dot hog
- lacked punch
- Zonx Broo
- princle generables
- free trog
- Did you wake your dog for a talk?
- Do you drive a kick-up or a pamper?
- Did you leave your booze under the shed?
- Bowl Tooth
- None of these whites
- Bleaches and poohberries
- The braves are waking
- behulsive compavior
- runny babbit
- neck chow
- Wall Malker
- Sower Pander
- Yew Nork
- Tony Pail
- Fis, Pips and Cheese
- Chork Pops (traife)
- Squirrl Gout
- Bero Ar
- Chag 'o bips
- Jonah and the "whelly of the bale"
- Cold Cheer and Beesburgers
- one swell foop
- pistard and muckles
- shack snop
- prying fan
- Dean Bip
- cack snakes
- Snop Packle Crap
- Bristy Crinkley
- Brew Darrymore
- Top Part
- Chotato Pips
- Beat Mall
- Jeanut Putter and Belly
- Ratman and Bobin
- Boot Reer
- Bat Cox
- trusty ducks
- Men tinute marter quile
- stip lick
- flapanese jag
- hog louse
- sea poop
- froken binger
- Punk in Drublic
- Shake a Tower
- Well-Boiled Icicle
- Sopcorn Palt
- Eep Slapnea
- Banic Putton
- Hails of Bay
- Flower Shoor
- Plire Face
- Litty Kitter
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