Tax Credits for Homeowners with Limited Repair Skills

Home repair is expensive! But it drives a lot of economic value. People have to buy materials.  Then, when we homeowners mess up our repairs we have to hire professionals to come fix it. This leads to usually buying more materials as well as paying for the time of the contractor.

This near inevitable spend on the handy man to fix what the do it yourself handyman couldn’t do is probably hundreds of millions a year (I am way too busy/lazy to actually figure this out right now).

As a result, we homeowners sometimes decide not to make repairs.

This slows the economy.

So, I think the federal government should give me a 10% tax credit on handyman services that I can prove I had to use after I bought some good to try it first.  This should definitely move the needle.  Our homes will improve, our values will go up, we’ll spend way too much money and a little tax credit will make us feel better.

I am calling on some politician to take this idea on. I even have a name for it: “The Idiotic Homeowner Act Tax Education Credit of 2012” or The IHATE Credit!

Who is with me?