On the Google Reader Shutdown and Alternatives

I’ve been a very heavy feed reader for a long time. At least 2009, I think when I first started working at YP/ATTi.  After getting out of the microcosm that is GDOT, I felt that I needed to start staying more connect to tech news and Google Reader was a great way to do it.

My feed reading really got underway in 2011 with my first iPad and being able to easily sync my feeds to Reeder.  I could catch-up on long business plane rides (without wifi) and save articles for later or actual get into the long reads.

As we all know, Google Reader is dead and so I had to find a replacement.  I was not satisfied (nor were others) with the options and perhaps if I weren’t already doing Wallaby, I would have looked for something new.

In case this is helpful to anyone else, here’s a quick chronicle of the search. For me a primary initial need was something that would integrate to Reeder, but that fell by the wayside.

I have tried: Feedbin, Digg, Goread, Feedly, Flipboard, Netnewswire and others.

In the end, I think Digg Reader is going to be the winner.  Feedbin’s interface left me wanting and while it is integrated to Reeder iPhone, I couldn’t find it on Reeder iPad.  Goodreads is really nice, but doesn’t have save later integration to Pocket (my other recent change from Instapaper, following Marco Arment’s sale of it).  Digg has mobile apps of it’s own, a gorgeous interface and save for later integration.

Like all the usual internet products, it is also free.

Today I have been looking through my feeds and cleaning ones that haven’t been posted to in ages (years some times!).  It’s good to have a clean new interface, with no Google Plus icons, no switching Google accounts and easy cross platform (web, mobile, tablet) access.

Great work, Digg team. I’m looking forward to staying caught up.